Top Key Strategies For The Ultimate Childcare Cleaning Checklist

Parents rely on childcare facilities to provide a hygienic and safe environment for their kids to grow and thrive. However, running a daycare facility comes with its own challenges. Not only do you have to clean your premises regularly, but you also need to maintain a high standard. Without a proper childcare cleaning checklist and delegation, the entire process can be overwhelming.

Creating A Comprehensive Childcare Cleaning Checklist

Irrespective of the size or the differences in activities at a childcare center, you share a responsibility to the children. With the children playing on the floor sharing toys and books, you need to provide them with a clean and healthy space where germs and viruses are not exposed.

Children and caregivers are confined in closed spaces in childcare facilities, causing infectious diseases to spread. A daycare childcare cleaning checklist can help you maintain a safe and spotless space. When it is time to create or update your cleaning checklist for childcare, some of the things you need to consider:

Organize The Cleaning Tasks

There is a long list of cleaning tasks that need to be done to keep the childcare premises clean and hygienic. Creating a checklist of duties in different categories will help you stay on top of it. Divide these tasks into different categories such as ongoing, daily, weekly, monthly, and the ones that need professional help.

Make The List Easily Available

Ensure that the childcare cleaning checklist is available to those on duty. Checking things off and posting updated lists will ensure that the tasks are being completed and that the same things are not getting cleaned several times when not needed.

Ongoing Cleaning

Ongoing cleaning forms the backbone of maintaining clean childcare premises. These tasks need to be done throughout the day to ensure proper hygiene.

  • Highchairs, tables, and other seating surfaces need to be wiped before and after snack time.
  • Clean all diaper-changing tables and potty chairs before and after every use.
  • Empty trash before they are full.
  • Wipe down toilet seats and handles after every use. Wipe down the play area after every activity.
  • Wash the dishes and clear the sink from food and debris.
  • Ensure toys are picked and stored away. Dirty toys should be put away for sanitization.

Daily Cleaning

These tasks need to be cleaned on a daily basis. Some of these can start before parents start arriving for pickups in the evening. Once the kids are gone, the more detailed daily cleaning tasks on the list can be tackled.

  • Mop the floors and vacuum the soft play areas.
  • Clean and put away all the art and craft supplies in their designated areas.
  • Wipe and spray down the toys before putting them away.
  • Check the linens and mats for soil and wash them.
  • Clean the kitchen equipment, countertop as well as the sink.
  • Wipe down the cabinets, doorknobs, and light switches.
  • Clean the toilets, sinks, and all bathroom surfaces with disinfectant.

cleaning checklist for childcare

Weekly Cleaning

These are the cleaning tasks that can be done weekly. You can divide these tasks to be done on a specific day of the week. It will make the tasks seem less overwhelming and ensure they are thoroughly completed.

  • Deep clean the toys, play equipment and the play area floors.
  • Replace the bedding and wash the used ones.
  • Deep clean the bathrooms, including the right spaces, like behind the toilets and beneath the sinks.
  • Dust makes it difficult to reach areas of the activity space and wash the walls and fixtures.
  • Clean the kitchen thoroughly, including the cabinets and fridge.
  • Discard any outdated consumables or something you won’t be using any longer.
  • Clean and sanitize the books and art and craft supplies.

Monthly Cleaning

These tasks focus on areas that do not need regular cleaning but are essential to maintain the overall cleanliness of the childcare facility.

  • Check all drains and plumbing for possible clogs or leaks.
  • Deep clean the windows, doors, curtains and all glass surfaces.
  • Deep clean all furniture and dust the window sills and baseboards.
  • Deep clean the shelves and storage areas. Clean and sanitize outdoor play equipment, benches, and other outdoor toys.
  • Check and clean the air vents and filters of the HVAC system to ensure proper air quality inside the facility.

Hire A Professional Commercial Childcare Cleaner

A structured childcare cleaning checklist ensures that your facility is cleaned and maintained properly. It will not only keep the children healthy and happy but also keep your business flourishing.

To help you save time, cost, and effort, you may hire a professional cleaner for childcare cleaning. So, instead of you and your staff tackling the daycare childcare cleaning checklist, it can be handled by professionals. Their experience, specialized products, advanced equipment, and vast knowledge can contribute significantly to the well-being of the children and your childcare facility.

KV Cleaning is one of the top companies offering a wide range of commercial cleaning services in Sydney. We ensure a safe haven for children with our specialized childcare cleaning services, prioritizing safety without compromising on cleanliness. We can help elevate the hygiene standards of your facility with our expert cleaning team and child-friendly cleaning solutions. Call us today to learn more about our professional childcare cleaning services!